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Healthy fruit - nectarine: Protects the skin from UV radiation, strengthens the immune system, also excellent for weight loss

Smooth and slightly sweeter version of a peach, nectarine is so juicy and delicious that it almost begs to be bitten into.

Healthy fruit - nectarine: Protects the skin from UV radiation, strengthens the immune system, helps the body fight against diseases, also excellent for weight loss

It is an excellent choice if you are trying to achieve or maintain a slim figure because it contains few calories and has a low glycemic index (43), which means it releases energy slowly and provides a longer-lasting feeling of satiety.

One of the greatest advantages of regularly consuming nectarines is the fact that they boost immunity and help the body fight against diseases. This is thanks to their high content of vitamin C - an important antioxidant - and vitamin E.

Eating nectarines can help reduce the risk of eye diseases such as cataracts and natural macular degeneration that occurs as we age.

Nectarines contain bioflavonoids that can improve skin health. Nutritional factors such as lutein and beta-carotene can be extremely beneficial for skin health, giving it a radiant complexion and glow. Beta-carotene protects the skin from UV radiation, while vitamin C aids in collagen production.

Nectarines are an excellent source of fiber, which is important for the digestive system. Eating nectarines can be beneficial for people who have constipation issues.

If you are trying to lose weight, be sure to include nectarines in your diet daily, especially after exercising.