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The liver is the central laboratory of our body and we should take care of it

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body. It has a significant function called synthesis because it synthesizes all the factors that are important for blood clotting. Its detoxification function is also significant.

The liver is the central laboratory of our body and we should take care of it

If we consume unhealthy food and energy drinks for a long period of time, fatty liver with fatty droplets, as well as elevated transaminases and gamma GT, can occur.

The liver benefits from moderate, lighter food and adequate physical activity. In 90 percent of cases, we contribute to fatty liver ourselves. The belt-type obesity is characteristic of fatty liver, as well as genetic predisposition.

The most common symptom experienced by patients is a dull pain below the rib cage, which is caused by the swelling of the liver due to accumulated fatty droplets. The liver grows in fat and causes this dull pain. It is necessary to perform comprehensive laboratory tests with liver synthesis indicators once a year.

If fatty liver is present for years, it can progress to the stage of fibrosis or cirrhosis of the liver. All of this can lead to liver cancer. Diet and physical activity are important for prevention.